Prototype Design of Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting for Lighting Applications


  • Assa Kesthy Rohana Department of Electronics Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering, Jakarta State University
  • Wisnu Djatmiko Department of Electronics Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering, Jakarta State University
  • Efri Sandi Department of Electronics Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering, Jakarta State University
  • Agung Pangestu Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Jakarta Global University
  • Rosyid Ridlo Al Hakim Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Jakarta Global University



LC Parallel Resonance, Matching Impedance, Very High Frequency, Voltage Multiplier


The prototype resonant frequency is designed to work at 150 MHz. The signal source prototype is the signal that comes from handy talky (HT). There are two subsystems, which are Matching Impedance and Voltage Multiplier. The resonant frequency of the matching impedance subsystem at 143 MHz from 0.053 mH inductor and 0.0233 pF capacitor. The output of the matching impedance subsystem is then amplified by the multiplier voltage subsystem using parallel PH4148 diodes with the 6-stage multiplier. Load prototype is a CR-151 LED that works at 12 volts 1 watt. When the HT battery has a voltage of 7.3 volts, the prototype can turn on the lamp with the distance between the TX antenna and the antenna on the prototype less than 36 cm. The maximum voltage on the load is 6.8 volts with a length of 5 cm between the antenna and the lamp 774 lumen.


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How to Cite

Rohana, A. K., Djatmiko, W., Sandi, E., Pangestu, A., & Al Hakim, R. R. (2023). Prototype Design of Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting for Lighting Applications. Journal of Global Engineering Research and Science, 2(1), 1–7.