Analysis of the Effectiveness of Using E-Commerce Marketplaces Shopee and Tokopedia in Loxus Living Company


  • Fajri Junaedi Department of Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Jakarta Global University, Depok 16412, Indonesia
  • Sani Salsabil Department of Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Jakarta Global University, Depok 16412, Indonesia
  • Risma Ekawati Department of Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Jakarta Global University, Depok 16412, Indonesia
  • Safira Faizah Department of Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Jakarta Global University, Depok 16412, Indonesia



E-commerce, Shopee, Tokopedia, Loxus Living, Competitiveness


The analysis reveals the impact of utilizing E-Commerce Marketplaces such as Shopee and Tokopedia in the strategies of Loxus Living Company.The adoption of e-commerce platforms like Shopee and Tokopedia plays a vital role for businesses aiming to enhance their competitiveness and sales in the modern digital landscape. This study delves into how Loxus Living Company leverages these marketplaces to boost its online visibility, drive sales, and monitor advancement towards set objectives. Factors such as user experience, safety, and transaction efficiency are considered when evaluating e-commerce success. The results illuminate how utilizing technology, and new media can boost business growth and expand the market.


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How to Cite

Junaedi, F., Salsabil, S., Ekawati, R., & Faizah, S. (2023). Analysis of the Effectiveness of Using E-Commerce Marketplaces Shopee and Tokopedia in Loxus Living Company. Journal of Global Engineering Research and Science, 2(2), 59–66.